GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2013 Copyleft Games

PySoy: Create Eye Candy Video

completed by: Darriel

mentors: Arc Riley

Create a short (15 seconds or less) "eye candy" video to open our weekly PySoy GCI Hangouts On Air with.

The video should be created using tools currently available in PySoy, especially newer features, but you do not need to explain or otherwise present this video as part of the Hangout On Air. As such, after finishing this task you may take another weekly Hangouts On Air related task for the same week your video is presented.

While working on this task you should join and remain in #PySoy on Freenode to get help, feedback, and guidance from mentors and other developers. Code updates which may affect your work are also announced here as they happen.

Commit your eye candy script in examples/ as you work on it to receive feedback, then upload the finished video to the PySoy Youtube Channel on its own.