Privly Foundation

License: MIT license
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The founding purpose of The Privly Foundation is to empower the Privly community to participate in and contribute to privacy software projects by fostering awareness of privacy issues and building a community of mutual support around Privly development. The Privly Foundation was founded following a successful crowdfunding round in 2012. You can find more details on Privly at the following locations:
- Privly Consumer Site
- Development "Getting Started" Guide
- Privly Foundation Organization Site
- Privly Foundation Wiki
- Add locally served injectable application support to the Safari Extension Currently, there exists a Google Chrome and a Firefox extension for Privly. The Safari extension has to be built from scratch as the existing one is outdated. The aim of the extension will be to identify privly identifiable links and, inject locally served privly applications. For the project, PlainPost and ZeroBin injectable applications has to be added to the extension so that they don’t have to have to execute remote code.
- Port Firefox Legacy extension to Jetpack. The project focuses on building a Privly Firefox extension on top of Mozilla’s Jetpack. Porting it to Jetpack would bring it to terms with the “Chrome” extension and would make further development easier. The project would include implementing several features such as Injecting content-scripts to replace privly-urls with Iframes, Opening “New-Message” from Context menus, Button in editable content areas for starting a Privly Post, Toolbar Pop-up Button, First-run start pages, etc.
- Privly Seemless Posting Currently Privly provides seemless content integration feature. However users still need to pop up a window to create Privly messages. This project provides seemless creating Privly message feature. Users only need to click the button to enable Privly (which can be remembered), then he just write and submit content as if there is no Privly at all while his content is still protected by Privly.