
License: GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GPLv2)
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coreboot™: fast and flexible Open Source firmware.
coreboot is an extended firmware platform that delivers a lightning fast and secure boot experience on modern computers and embedded systems. As an Open Source project it provides auditability and maximum control over technology.
- End user flash tool The project aims to implement a graphical tool which functionality includes extracting modules from BIOS images, adding and deleting components of coreboot ROM image file and flashing. It will be achieved by integrating code of already existing tools: flashrom (libflashrom), bios_extract and cbfstool. Thus that end user will be allowed to easily select desireable payload and flash firmware just by clicking few application buttons.
- H8S EC firmware The H8S is a 16bit MCU which is used in several Laptop as Embedded Controller. The EC makes the difference between a Computer and Notebook. It controls several component including voltage regulators, battery management. Writing an Open Source firmware for EC allow coreboot more control over hardware. Beside from the security improvements through Open Source firmware it will improve hardware support of the device. Another side effect is a good concentrated documentation of the hardware.