GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Summer of Code 2013 TYPO3 Association

TYPO3 Flow meets Ember.js (previously named: Kickstarter for Flow/Ember.js applications)

by Manuel Mitasch for TYPO3 Association

The goal of this project is to enable a loose coupling of TYPO3 Flow domain models and Ember.js data models through conventions. Therefore, a Flow-based REST API (controller, view, route part) that complies to the Ember conventions will be implemented. A scaffolding/kickstart functionality will provide the generation of Ember models from Flow model semantics. Additionally, the kickstarter will be able to generate a full prototype of all remaining client-side assets (Ember controllers, views, handlebar templates) for a basic Ember-based user interface. In short, using Flow to build great Ember apps should become very easy.