GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Summer of Code 2013

The Open Motion Planning Library

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We are a team of researchers and developers working on efficient implementations of state-of-the-art motion planning algorithms and their integration with other open source software. The library is aimed at robotics researchers, robotics students & educators, and industrial end users. In 2012 OMPL was awarded the Grand Prize in Open Source Software Word Challenge (, an open source competition organized by the South Korean Ministry of Knowledge and Economy.


  • Combining OMPL and MORSE to Enhance the Motion Planning Experience The Open Motion Planning Library (OMPL) can be used to plan paths for robots in environments with dynamics. The Modular OpenRobots Simulation Engine (MORSE) is an add-on for Blender that allows the user or other code to direct a robot in a realtime physics simulation. There is an opportunity to enhance both the functionality of MORSE and the user accessibility of OMPL by combining the two. This enables modeling, solving, and simulating a planning problem from the same interface.
  • Generalized Optimal Path Planning Framework Extend OMPL's current support for specifying optimal robotic motion planning problems. This will allow for users to program their robots to perform tasks faster, more efficiently, more safely, or to any other specified quality metric.