GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Summer of Code 2013 Computational Science and Engineering at TU Wien

OpenEngSB: Query transformation for multiple tool models based on Common Concept Model

by Fajar J. Ekaputra for Computational Science and Engineering at TU Wien

OpenEngSB provides an easy-to-use and easy-to-adapt platform for tool integration. There are two issues to be solved in the current OpenEngSB query transformation. The first issue is to let the users of OpenEngSB easily define and execute query for different data sources. The other issue is regarding the unfamiliarity of users with the SPARQL for ontology querying, as the current implementation of OpenEngSB is using ontology for storing their data. Other issue that is also related but will be addressed as optional is the querying of several different ontology versions. The aim of this project is to provide an implementation of SQL query user interface, transform it into SPARQL queries, and get the combined result data from heterogeneous ontology data sources for OpenEngSB