GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Summer of Code 2012 National Resource for Network Biology (NRNB)

IDEA 36: Data summary of tables in Cytoscape

by Neil Dhruva for National Resource for Network Biology (NRNB)

Cytoscape shows tables as a spreadsheet, however users may want to view tables in other ways. To address this, Cytoscape 3 introduces table view, which are alternative widgets for showing tables. This project is a table view for summarizing numerical columns in two ways: Histograms. The table view shows a histogram based on the columns the user selects. The histogram is updated whenever the user selects different columns. The histogram’s number of bins is chosen by the user or can be calculated based on the width of the widget. When needing to include the histogram in a publication or presentation, the user can export it to a vector graphics file like PDF or EPS. Plots. The table view shows a plot of numerical values in the table based on the rows and columns the user selects. The plot’s X axis is the rows, and the Y axis is the columns. The user can reorder the rows and columns as needed. The X and Y axes show the names of its corresponding rows and columns. As in the histogram, the user can export the plot to a vector graphics file.