GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2014 KDE

KDEConnect-Android: Build app from source

completed by: Tomáš Zelina

mentors: Albert Vaca

Before working on any of the KDEConnect-related tasks, you will need to setup an Android development environment with Android Studio and import the KDEConnect Android into it. You will also need the desktop client of KDEConnect in place. If you only want to work on tasks for the Android app, you can just install the desktop client on Linux from your distribution repositories, or you can also build it yourself using either CMake or KDevelop. I will consider this task done if you send me a screenshot of Android Studio with a successful compilation of the KDEConnect app plus a screenshot of KDE Connect on Android connected to your desktop client, or either if you complete any of the other tasks for KDEConnect (which of course require this to be done first).

Link to the Android repo:

Link to the KDE repo in case you want to try to build it yourself: