GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2014 KDE

Fix warnings in kwin/effects/glide/glide_config.ui

completed by: Compilerator

mentors: mgraesslin

When compiling kwin (git clone git:// ) one can see the following warnings:

kwin/effects/glide/glide_config.ui: Warning: The name 'label' (QLabel) is already in use, defaulting to 'label1'.
/home/martin/src/kf5/kde/workspace/kwin/effects/glide/glide_config.ui: Warning: The name 'horizontalLayout' (QHBoxLayout) is already in use, defaulting to 'horizontalLayout1'.
kwin/effects/glide/glide_config.ui: Warning: The name 'horizontalSpacer' (QSpacerItem) is already in use, defaulting to 'horizontalSpacer1'.
kwin/effects/glide/glide_config.ui: Warning: The name 'label_2' (QLabel) is already in use, defaulting to 'label_21'.
kwin/effects/glide/glide_config.ui: Warning: The name 'label_3' (QLabel) is already in use, defaulting to 'label_31'.
kwin/effects/glide/glide_config.ui: Warning: The name 'verticalSpacer' (QSpacerItem) is already in use, defaulting to 'verticalSpacer1'.


The task is to open the glide_config.ui in Qt Designer and fix those warnings. This should be verified by compiling KWin to see that the warnings are gone. The warnings should be fixed by giving the elements a proper name describing what they are doing. Once everything is done, please upload to for review group kwin.