GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2014 KDE

Provide duration edit ability for a Tour item supporting durations in Marble

completed by: Ilya Kowalewski

mentors: Dennis Nienhüser, Sanjiban Bairagya

- Please build Marble from its source code by following the instructions given here:

- Open Marble. Click on Settings -> Panels -> Tour. The Tour panel shows up in Marble

- Learn all about kml tours here:

- Click on the "Open Tour" option and select your .kml tour file from your hard drive.

- Once you open your file, you will see the items showing up as a playlist inside the Tour panel, with an 'Edit' button adjacent to each item.

- Currently there is duration edit ability for only Wait items of the tour. Your task is to provide duration edit ability for FlyTo items as well.

- You need to go through src/lib/marble/TourWidget.cpp and other related files in order to do this task.

- Once you are done, code is compiling and feature is working fine, please create a patch using "git diff" and send it to under the group 'marble' for review.

- Feel free to ask your queries in IRC in the channel #marble so that we can help you in case you get stuck