GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2013 RTEMS Project

Waf conversion: Convert hello/posix_hello_world and both_hello

completed by: Chirayu Desai

mentors: Chris Johns, Gedare

First complete one of the Getting Started tasks.

This task assists the effort of converting the build system for the RTEMS examples-v2.git repository of sample applications from using a set of custom Makefiles to using Waf. Follow the instructions given in theĀ RTEMS GoogleCodeInProjects Wiki page for the directories: examples-v2/hello/posix_hello_world and hello/both_hello. You will upload a patch file containing the modifications you make. Please also submit your work as a pull request on GitHub.

For this task you will need to test for whether or not POSIX is enabled before calling recurse() into the sub-directories.