GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2013 KDE

Basic KML Tour file management

completed by: Mikhail Ivchenko

mentors: Torsten Rahn, Dennis Nienhüser

Marble is a virtual globe and world atlas — your Swiss army knife for maps. Find your way and explore the world!

Note: To claim this task, the task Basic Tour modifications needs to be finished first.

We are working on integrating support for KML Tours into Marble. The user interface will be a panel (like Routing, Map View, ...) where a tour can be loaded from a .kml file, edited, played and also recorded to a movie file. In this task you'll add a toolbar buttons to load and save KML tour files and to create a new one from scratch.

  • Add four more ToolButtons to the toolbar of the TourWidget:
    • "New Tour". When clicked, it should create a new GeoDataDocument and insert an empty GeoDataTour to it, then display it in the QListView. When a tour is already loaded and has not been saved after a modification, a confirmation message should be issued
    • "Save Tour". When clicked, it should save the current .kml tour (use GeoWriter), overwriting the existing one where it was loaded from.  When no filename is known yet (newly created tour) it should ask for a filename. When the current file has not been modified, it should be disabled. When no file is loaded, it should also be disabled.
    • "Save Tour as". When clicked, it should ask for a new save location and write to that. When no file has been loaded, it should be disabled.
    • "Open Tour". Reuse the existing open button with an appropriate icon. For modified, unsaved opened files it should behave like "New Tour" and issue a confirmation dialog.

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