GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2013 KDE

Marble: Create in-depth instructions on how to set up the environment for developing with Marble and Python

completed by: Benjamin Kaiser

mentors: Torsten Rahn, René Küttner, Dennis Nienhüser

  • Describe in detail what is needed in order to get up to speed with Marble development in Python.
  • Please point out that Qt is the only real dependency of the Marble Python bindings. This is important so it needs to be emphasized! For Marble and the Python bindings the only real hard dependency is Qt - the KDE framework is not required.
  • Please describe which packages are needed. For convenience include the package names for ubuntu/debian, redhat, openSUSE
  • Please describe how the latest Python bindings can be created from the sources.
  • Put the resulting wiki page chapter right at the top of the Python "Intro" section
  • Blog about your new findings possibly partially quoting parts of the new wiki page and linking to it.