GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2013 KDE

Marble: Create a new blog entry about the new rendering of planets

completed by: Illya Kovalevskyy

mentors: Torsten Rahn, Dennis Nienhüser, René Küttner

Before your start blogging you should make sure that your blog is aggregated to

Please blog about

  • How Marble can be used to visualize planets for observing or to get a better understanding about the solar-system
  • Look-up planet-conjunction highlights in 2014:

            and create screenshots of these events in Marble

  • Describe how planets can be turned on and off in the settings dialog
  • Describe another feature that has been added recently: So far we only had proper sunshading for earth and some sunshading for the moon. With recent changes in master we have sun shading for all planets.
  • Download Mars24 sunclock (a Java application) and display Mars and it's terminator and sunshading in a map
  • Create a screenshot for the very same time in Marble using the same projection and sunshading