GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2012 The NetBSD Project

Compare NetBSD with other operating systems of its kind

completed by: DevJ

mentors: Radoslaw Kujawa, Julian Coleman, Julian Fagir

NetBSD is an operating system which targets people who like the cleanness of a system, and mostly already have Unix or Linux experience.
As such, there are other operating systems which fall into the same audience as NetBSD does, which are at least Slackware, Arch Linux, Gentoo, OpenBSD, FreeBSD, DragonFly.
This task is about researching what other distros are out there which are close to NetBSD's principles and use cases ( might be a good starting point), and how they are different.
After having collected facts, maybe a simple overview of the community (what kind of people are there, what do they want?), you should create an article which lists all those and describes their differences to NetBSD.
You could also try interviewing some people what their view of the communities and the operating systems is and try to evolve your own opinion about them all.

Our preferred format for the submission is some form of plain text, as that is most portable and can be read anywhere.  If you want to use a word processor, please export the file as text.  You could also add something like markdown or latex to add structure (these are both plain text based), but that is not a requirement.