GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2012 The NetBSD Project

Survey documentation structure of other projects

completed by: Vochescu Alexandru

mentors: Aleksej Saushev, Julian Coleman, Julian Fagir

There are many open source projects which exist not only for years, but also for decades (which e.g. NetBSD also nearly does with 19 years). For all of them, documentation is an important issue, and most, if not all projects have not mastered writing documentation.
In this task, you have to choose on of the projects listed below. If you want to research another project not listed, please ask a judge about it.
Then, you have to research the documentation of these projects (what sources are there, how are they used, which software do they use, which formatting language, etc. (what sources are there, how are they used, which software do they use, which formatting language, etc.), plus finding a way of determining the project's opinion of their documentation (a docs@ mailinglist might be a good start, like e.g. is). All in all, you should do nearly the same as the task "Create an overview of NetBSD documentation", except that you don't have to be that much in depth, but you should also research the technical and administrational background.
In the end, you should write a paper with the results of the survey and a small text, at least one page at all.

This task can be fulfilled multiple times, once for each project. It will be recreated once it's claimed.

Possible projects: Debian, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, DragonFly, Gentoo, Arch Linux, Slackware, PostgreSQLÂ