GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2012 KDE

KDE Telepathy: Rewrite the demo chats

completed by: Illya Kovalevskyy

mentors: Martin Klapetek

The demo chat is a fake conversation between 2 persons that is displayed when you choose the chat theme, and that should show some of the features of that theme. Our current demo chat is good for showing the features, but the dialog is quite nonsense and useless. This tasks consist in 2 parts all of which must be completed: Making the demo chat consistent and somehow useful. One idea is to make it a dialog between a new user asking some frequently asked questions about KDE Telepathy, and an expert user replying and adding links to the useful resources (wiki, bugzilla, mailing list, etc.) Writing a conversation for group chat, i.e. a dialog between 3 or more persons. This should be consistent and useful as the previous one.