GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2012 Haiku

Create a Linux Package for bfs_fuse.

completed by: skycocker

mentors: Alex-P. Natsios

bfs_fuse is a package that allows a Linux system to "mount" a Be filesystem through the fuse module.

Your goal in this task is to create a package for bfs_fuse to make its installation easier on Linux.

A .deb is mandatory for this task ( added bonus for a PPA )
alternatively an RPM would be acceptable ( added bonus for an OBS repo )

You could research OpenSUSE's Open Build System (OBS) to also create an rpm spec for at least opensuse 12.2 and possible compatibility with other relevant rpm distros (fedora,mageia, etc...)

relevant links: ( Debian package for a fuse module ) ( OBS tutorial for building packages )