GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2012 The Fedora Project

Task C 01 - Design survey application for Fedora (FedSur)

completed by: KenDhia

mentors: bckurera

The scenario should be follow.

Admin creates a survey on the system and send an invitation to the people who need to take the survey.

Then the invitees access to the survey using the link they got, fill the survey and save it.

Finally the admin can see the responses against the name of the person who has submitted the answers.

Design (Database diagram and connected between then should be presented as an ER diagram) a small survey application for the Fedora project.

Following type of answers can be created;

  • Answer is a number
  • Answer is a short text
  • Answer is a long text
  • Answer is a True/False (Boolean) value.
  • Answer is a selected value out of some values
  • Answer is some selected values out of some values\
The answers should be able to analyze after the survey is over, therefore keep it in the mind. Each and every response should be able to store individually in the database. Therefore can be more than one survey activated and running at the same time.

Once survey submitted there is no need of changing it. You can make assumptions as required but document them. Submit a doc with including required info about the design (database and etc..)