GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2012 Copyleft Games Group

PySoy: Refactor soy.scenes.Planar

completed by: Nikolay Lazarov

mentors: Amaury Medeiros, Arc Riley, Tony Young, David Czech, Mayank Singh

The soy.scenes.Planar class used to create a simple scene with an infinite flat "floor" which objects could fall onto, however, this class was never refactored to libsoy.

Migrate this code from Pyrex to Genie (very similar), from pysoy to libsoy, write the Python bindings for it, and test it to ensure it works correctly. Because rendering an infinite plane is fairly trivial this task requires the class to render the scene properly, this may require a bit more than trivial refactoring as the Projector/Camera/Scene rendering flow has changed somewhat since the libsoy migration.

While working on this task you should join and remain in #PySoy on Freenode to get help, feedback, and guidance from mentors and other developers. Code updates which may affect your work are also announced here as they happen.

When you've done, commit your work and post the resulting changeset url to this task.