GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2011 OpenIntents

Action bar icon "clean up" for OI Shopping List

completed by: Abdussamed KARAKAS

mentors: Peli

The task is to create an action bar icon for the command "clean up" for OI Shopping List. The current icon was created as a menu icon for an older version of Android, and does not meet the current design guidelines. The menu has been superseded by the new action bar. Your new icon should be similar to the previous icon, but respect all Android icon design guidelines. The icon will be used in an upcoming version of the application.

Being an open source project, your icon should be designed using Inkscape. Your icon should follow the action bar icon guidelines. Apart from the .svg file (Inkscape format), you should provide .png files for the different screen densities ldpi (18 x 18 px), mdpi (24 x 24 px), hdpi (36 x 36 px), and xhdpi (48 x 48 px). The .png files must be placed in directories as described in the icon design guidelines. The old version of the clean-up icon is available at svn/images/icons_sdk1/menu with file name ic_menu_clean_up.svg.

IMPORTANT: If you intend to modify your icon design consiberably from the existing icon, you have to send a design draft to OpenIntents as early as possible. If you don't send a draft, OpenIntents reserves the right not to accept your entry.

  • Difficulty: easy
  • Time limit: 14 days
  • Requirements for completed entry:
    • IMPORTANT: Send a draft of your icon design if you intend to modify it from the existing icon. OpenIntents reserves the right to refuse an entry if your draft has not been approved.
    • Send a ZIP file containing the icon in .svg Inkscape format and in .png format for the various screen densities.
    • The .png files must be placed in directories as described in the icon design guidelines.
    • Your icon must follow the action bar icon guidelines.