GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2011 OpenIntents

Use the camera flashlight for OI Flashlight

completed by: Shuhao

mentors: Peli

The task is to add support for the camera flashlight of a mobile phone into OI Flashlight. Currently, OI Flashlight only supports a flashlight through the backlight of the display.

In order to implement the change, you will need an additional permission for accessing the flashlight. Probably you can use the Camera object to set the flash mode to torch.

Use a suitable way to switch between backlight flashlight and camera flashlight, for example a menu item or an on-screen button.

Your solution should consist of a patch (instructions) based on the latest version of OI Flashlight. If you don't have it yet, you first need to download and install the Android SDK (instructions). Follow these instructions to build OI applications.

  • Difficulty: medium
  • Time limit: 14 days
  • Prerequisites:
    • Download the Android SDK (instructions)
    • For this task you will need a real Android device with camera flash.
  • Requirements for completed entry:
    • Send in a patch with your code modifications (instructions).
    • The code must follow our StyleGuide.
    • OI Flashlight must have an additional way to switch between flashlight modes.
    • A new flashlight mode must use the camera's flashlight.