GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2011 OpenIntents

Test project for OI File Manager

completed by: Michał Zieliński

mentors: Peli, Friedger Müffke, Randy McEoin, Manuel R. Ciosici

The task is to create a Robotium test project for OI File Manager. This test project can be similar to the existing test projects for OI Shopping List or OI Safe in the main trunk of the repository (e.g. trunk/ShoppingList/ShoppingListTest).

Your solution should be a patch or a ZIP file containing the new test project. It should include at least 8 tests for various aspects of the application (user interface, menu and context menu, database, intents, ...).

  • Difficulty: medium
  • Time limit: 14 days
  • Prerequisites: Download the Android SDK (instructions)
  • Requirements for completed entry:
    • Send a patch or a ZIP file containing the new test project.
    • The code must follow our StyleGuide.
    • There should be at least 8 test cases covering various aspects of the application.