GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2010 MoinMoin Wiki

improve style: design a background image

completed by: MSD

mentors: Alexander Schremmer, ReimarBauer, Thomas Waldmann, Ronny Pfannschmidt


Add a different background image to moin2's theme.


The background image can be for document content, or theme top bar, or sidebar.

Please keep in mind:

  • usability is important, compatible, decent, good looking
  • nothing silly - should be neutral or no "topic", business usage
  • no hard contrasts, readability of text must be given
  • consider readability of foreground text
  • consider to match style of moin logo somehow

You must deliver: image, patch, screenshot showing how it looks, css how to use it.

Skill Requirements

See tags.

You can discuss this issue in the MoinMoin wiki: