GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2010 LimeSurvey

User interface: Create a survey on UI icons

completed by: Suhas Sharma

mentors: Marcel Minke, Machaven

1. Problem Description

The icon set used at Limesurvey's admin backend might seem a little outdated. To find out which icons might be misleading, we need a survey listing every icon of the admin interface and asking participants what a certain icon might stand for. The list of possible answers for a listed icon should contain the correct answer plus 2-3 other valid choices. Afterwards the misleading icons should be identified.


2. Task Steps

  1. Get familiar with Limesurvey by using our demo or installing Limesurvey yourself.
  2. Create a survey which lists all icons of the admin backend.Do not use our demo for this because it is cleared regularly. Either set up your own web based installation or contact us so we can provide access to a given installation.
  3. Add valid answer options for each icon.
  4. Show the survey to your mentor and ask for some feedback.
  5. Publish the survey on a blog, mailing list, email it to your friends and the like. We need as much feedback as possible.
  6. Once a certain amount of complete answer sets was retrieved, analyse the results to find out which icons are the most misleading.
  7. Sum up all feedback and point to the biggest problems you noticed.


3. Overview

Time Frame: 96 hours

Skills: Creating surveys using Limesurvey

Difficulty: Easy

Mentor: Mazi (english, german)