GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2010 KDE

Step 7: Introduce GeoSceneLegend into the Map Creation Wizard

completed by: Utku Aydın

mentors: tackat

This task is a follow-up task of the Research task that investigates refactoring of the

Map Creation Wizard:

In order to start this task the other steps have to be completed before.

This task is about:

Refactor the Map Creation Wizard to make use of GeoSceneLegend and all its subtags and attributes. So all steps that have been executed with regard to GeoSceneDocument, GeoSceneHead and GeoSceneLayer, GeoSceneSettings need to be followed for GeoSceneLegend.

The task is part of of a series of difficult tasks that refactor the Map Creation Wizard in a way so that it works based on GeoScene classes which has benefits in terms of extensibility, maintenance, etc. . The completion of this task series requires some very good in-depth understanding of Marble's technical design and the way GeoScene classes work.