GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2010 KDE

KDE-Edu YouTube videos

completed by: ThunderMoose

mentors: Anne-Marie Mahfouf

The KDE-Edu project lacks some promotional material. It would be very nice to see some of the programs in use in the means of YouTube videos.You Tube is a very attractive way of learning about anything and a short screencast of a program in action will greatly help promote this program.

Create a few YouTube videos about some programs from KDE-Edu.

1) Get the KDE-Edu programs running on your computer, can be 4.5 version or trunk or KDE on Windows.

2) Get familiar with a screencast program

3) Look at existing YouTube videos about KDE-Edu and find out which programs are not promoted. Prioritize those programs! Ask the KDE-Edu developers if you need help on what to highlight

4) Record 3 or 4 short videos to show these programs in action

5) Upload the videos on YouTube