GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2010 Haiku

Create Haiku User Guide page for WebPositive

completed by: osnr

mentors: humdinger

The Haiku User Guide describes the system and all the included applications and preferences.

The chapter on the browser WebPositive is still missing. This task is to add that chapter showing all the relevant features, functions and settings together with meaningful screenshots. Style and detail should fit into the rest of the user guide, see especially the chapters about the other applications.

Documentation should be done using a current nightly image. As these don't contain the user guide and the browser Web+ by default, you can install them manually by typing in a Terminal window "installoptionalpackage Welcome WebPositive".

The final page will be in HTML. If you're comfortable editing in very simple HTML you can do so and do the necessary formatting yourself. The alternative is providing your work as plain text file plus screenshots in PNG format. In any case, have a look at this style guide.