GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2010 Haiku

Check over the various apps included in Haiku both with the fonts set to size 12 and set to size 18.

completed by: kwinn29

mentors: yourpalal

Check the apps for text alignment and report any issues you find. Keep a list of the apps that you have checked over. Possible issues you may see are:

  • clipped text
  • general ugliness
  • hard-coded fonts (text that does not change to reflect system settings)
  • other issues, at your judgement

Once you find an issue, you can take a screenshot using the screenshot tool (prtscrn key, 'screenshot' from terminal, or 'Screenshot' under 'Applications'). If the issue at hand is not obvious in your screenshot, you can circle it/emphasize it with WonderBrush. Bug reports should include your screenshot(s) and a description of the problem and how to duplicate it (for most bugs, the font size you used should be enough). For some applications, there may already be a ticket related to this, if so, you can add information to that ticket, or just a note like 'still present in r******'.


NOTE: Font changes do not apply instantaneously to running apps, you must restart an application for it to reflect the current font settings.