GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2010 GNOME

Create five help pages for Evolution's search functionality

completed by: Max Vorobuov

mentors: Andre Klapper

Evolution currently has a traditional user manual.
Work is going on to replace it by a task-oriented user help by using Mallard. If you don't know Mallard, check out the 10 minutes introduction of it.
To get an idea of the difference, you can take a look at the "Evince" documentation by comparing the traditional Evince documentation and the new Mallard-style Evince documentation.
Your task will be to write five guide pages for the new Evolution help, all related to search functionality in Evolution:
1. Check out the draft for the new Evolution user manual help from by using the command "git://".
2. Fill the files,,,, with content in Mallard-style. In every file there is a to-do section describing what to cover, but feel free to describe what you think that is important from a user point of view when it comes to searching in Evolution. You can also take a look at the sections in the traditional manual, however you are not expected to just copy the old text because it often is not very task-oriented (and because the licenses are incompatible currently).
3. Attach a draft of your pages here so you can get some feedback.
4. Incorporate the feedback and attach the final version here before the deadline. ;-)
5. If it's good: Get it accepted and become another author of the new Evo user docs. :-P
Advantages (but not hard requirements) are to be a GNOME Evolution user, to be interested in documentation and user support, and to know Mallard already a bit.
You can also contact me via email (andre.klapper at gmail) or chat on IRC (I am andre on in the channels #gnome-love and #docs).