GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2010 Drupal

Survey of test statistics for top 40 modules

completed by: Natan Yellin

mentors: Chuck Vose


Comprehensive test suites allow developers to refractor, patch, and produce new features without needing to worry about who's toes they're stepping on. Drupal has an awesome qa group and people that have the uniquely twisted mind for these activities but they may not have the statistics they need to direct their effort. Using automated tools that we can rerun often you will create the statistics that will allow the testers and new code contributors to focus on the modules that need the most help.

A script that will check out the cvs version of each of the top 40 drupal 7 modules and generate statistics about how many assertions are present in the test suite compared to how many lines of code there are in the module. Since we don't actually know what the normal ratio is for drupal yet your work will be the foundation of goal setting for new projects.

Chuck vose (vosechu) link