GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2011 FreeBSD

Implement FreeBSD community portal (FCP3) - displaying profile page

completed by: Nagato Yuki

mentors: Wojciech A. Koszek, Jakub Klama

Description of a task

This is a research task. It may or may not be deployed in production systems. No effort has been made to coordinate this task with the FreeBSD Core Team.

The WWW form will fetch UTF-8 formated data from the HTML form and insert it to the simpliest possible SQL database. Data user could be asked for include: interests, "About me", "Free time", "Hobby", tags (aka tags in blogs, Wikis etc..).

The database's table format doesn't have to be 'final'. The goal of this task is to show, that WWW form can handle e.g.: Polish diacritic characters or Russian Cyrillic alphabet and store it in the database. Onca again: SQL table can be trivial. It can be as simple as 4 fields being able to handle text data.

Please follow Steve's Krug "Don't make me think" principles as well as Jacob Nielsen's useability rules when designing the WWW form. In other words: make it as minimalistic and simple as possible.

Technology choice is up to you, but Python/PHP is preferred (Facebook API is in Python/PHP at least). No framework is required to accomplish the task; however, frameworks aren't prohibited. In case of not using any framework, please follow the MVC design principles.